
Allowing Holy Spirit to lead us in all areas of life


It is our belief that everyday we have opportunities to build one another up. We desire to see others step into faith-in-action. This happens as we encourage one another to actively engage the Spirit-Empowered life. As we grow in our identity, we discover that we can partner with God to expand The Kingdom of Heaven one person at a time.

Discipleship is walking in the ways of our Teacher. As disciples, we should reflect Jesus and be obedient to the things that He taught.  True disciples are always reproducing more disciples.



The world is a field that is ready for harvest. As disciples of Jesus, we have been commissioned to reproduce. Introducing others to a relationship with Jesus is a desire of our heart.

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit…”  Matthew 28:19

Spirit Empowered Ministries offers Manna Healing Prayer Ministry, where we focus on helping others hear the voice of God. Listening to God when we pray is a key to healing the heart.


Personal Prayer

A direct connection between an individual and God is the fastest way for that individual to become whole.  Whether it is for physical or emotional healing, an encounter with Jesus brings healing.

Jesus himself came to set the captives free.


Community Engagement

We believe that we are to be the hands and feet of the Body of Christ. Our desire is to meet the needs of those around us and be known for our love. Our goal is to be a light in our community.

SEM has been partnering with The Shalom Center www.shalompa.org in an effort to love our community through Pomfret Street Outreach. This is one expression of how multiple ministries can work together to bless those who live in our city.

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