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Evaluating the Cost

Evaluating the Cost

I like to have nice things. When I am preparing to purchase something I usually lean toward getting the better, more expensive model that has more features and offers more longevity. I don’t see as much value in buying something that will wear out or break...

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Greater Level of Expectancy

Greater Level of Expectancy

Have you ever played a sport or competed in a competition where you just knew that you were going to beat your opponent? When we watch sporting events on television there are usually one or two people who stand out among the other players. They are the type of people...

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Tested Faith

Tested Faith

The Building Block that will Produce a Hope-Filled Generation How do you respond when something in your life happens that either causes you to suffer or tests your faith? Bad things happen all the time and believers were warned by Jesus that there would be...

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Are You a Christian or Disciple?

Are You a Christian or Disciple?

What type of fruit are you producing? The term Christian means “little Christ”. Part of being identified as a Christian should involve an association with being like Jesus. Jesus was a reflection of the Father, and we are to be a reflection of Jesus. So, what does it...

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How do We show our Love for God?

How do We show our Love for God?

“Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me” (John 14:21). John the beloved was a man who loved Jesus, and he was desperate for Christians to walk in love.  He is known in scripture as the disciple whom Jesus loved.  The books in the...

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Living Holy Lives

Living Holy Lives

When you begin to talk about living holy lives, many people have a common misconception that we could never achieve such a thing as to become holy.  Fortunately, we do not have to do it in our own strength, and through Jesus it is possible to achieve...

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They Make a Tool for that

They Make a Tool for that

Having the right tool for the job is essential in any trade.  From buttering your toast with a spoon to mowing the lawn with a pair of scissors, I could give you endless examples of how using the incorrect tool, would only make a job more difficult.  However, having...

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